Wednesday, February 22, 2012

i'll write you a postcard i'll send you the news

1. i might actually look like i have gotten a life after not touching this blog for some time. but that is not true. mainly because i had a life before that and i have a life now, i'm life-full like that. during my disappearance i managed to:
a) exacerbate some of my silly short time obsessions for girls with short hair, hi-tops, korean dramas and oddly shaped pancakes.
b) sing kelis' milkshake, the revised edition:
my whipped ice dairy drink brings the attention of males to my residence and/or employment,
and it far surpasses that of yours
absolutely, it surpasses yours
i can convey to you the recipe, but i have to demand compensation
c) find the truest most honest definition of a relationship: "being in a relationship is like swimming because like sometimes is fun and perfect but sometimes you hit your head on rocks and your corpse washes up six weeks later in a different hemisphere". since I don't even know how to swim, I have to be even more careful. i have to watch myself like a hawk. 

2. i stayed in bed a lot, like two entire days in a row, which is very unusual for me. but charles bukowski told me it's ok: "The best thing about the bedroom was the bed. I liked to stay in bed for hours, even during the day, with covers pulled up to my chin. it was good in there, nothing ever occurred in there, no people, nothing." yeah, distraction does favor all the overrated.

3. i drew, apart from pretty girls and the occasional cat, my plans for the summer. i want it to be extraordinary, unlike soup, which is very ordinary.

4. i discovered i suffer from a condition called l'esprit de l'escalier: that feeling you get when you leave a conversation and think about all the things you should have said. i totally have that. you tell me the difference and i'll tell you the same.

5. i fell in love and/or awe with Andre De Dienes, Bill Henson, Maurizion Marcato, Cesar Santos, Chadwick Tyler and Christopher Micaud. oh, and Egon Schiele. 

6. the most important thing though, i got shot through the heart and it was amazing. could the world make any more sense?

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