Monday, October 29, 2012

under the influence.

People kill themselves because of society’s inability to educate, in terms of love, any further than a given point. Nobody in this world seems to be able to love beyond a certain point; they all go up to a certain point then they become emotionally tired of it, or bored or hurt. They change, and their love doesn’t transcend certain obstacles. For somebody who is very sensitive and idealistic, as we all start out to be, it becomes a dramatic experience. You can either make that bridge or not, and we are going to make this picture for people who are possibly lost, and try to point out the reasons for it.

One can always count on Cassavetes to tell it like it is. 

Or Neruda.

But love, this love has not ended: just as it never had a birth, it has no death: it is like a long river, only changing lands, and changing lips.

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