Saturday, December 31, 2011


this year I want to:

indulge in shameless but oh so beautiful procrastination.
be more considerate to myself and less to those that don't really deserve it.
let my hair grow.
pretend to feel better all the time. some things are just psychological.
mess up triangles.
smile until my face hurts and make others smile with Chuck Norris jokes.
stare at kittens.
give people unusual nicknames.
post really reflective, deep, philosophical i have a beard and i'm a hundred years old quotes and proverbs on facebook.
utter words over and over again until they lose their meaning and sound really strange. indulge in the surrealistic feel of it.
watch movies until my eyes hurt and i look like a raccoon on cocaine.
take piggy-back rides, give second chances, stay up late talking nonsense.
buy myself those French movie posters I drool over for so long.
use big words to describe small, unimportant things.
frighten friends with woody allen-esque speeches.
cuddle under soft blankets.
visit my highschool teachers.
catch some rainbows.
watch paranormal TV shows and get freaked out and ask friends to come and have a sleepover.
stand in the rain.
make eye contact.
rip pages from books and hang them on walls.
create mixtapes for my different moods.
buy myself fresh flowers every week.
stare down windows.
wear necklaces and ballerina flats and pretend i'm Audrey Hepburn.
listen to The Killers and Zaz and watch obscure shows from the eighties.
smoke, play with polaroids and learn to make a decent origami.
warm hands.
prove people wrong.

and be taken by surprise by as many others.

Happy New Year.

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