Saturday, August 25, 2012

could the world make any more sense

Late last night, I was having breakfast at McDonalds with some friends. They were having fries, I sneaked in a box of waffles (I don't know if I ever told you about my craving waffles phase: a couple of years back all I ever wanted to eat for days in a row were waffles; i mean, i went out, I ate waffles, I went to the supermarket, I bought waffles, I saw a brick, I thought of waffles; well, it's all coming back to me now, apparently). Anyway, when I sat down, directly opposite at another table was this guy glancing at me- he wasn't creeping, we were just sitting opposite of each other. For a moment I thought "This guy looks awfully familiar, hmmm", but I brushed the idea off and went back to my waffles.
After we finished eating, the guy came up to me and asked whether I was on insert summer school that we both attended when we were 9 and Wham! I replied insert name and things began to unravel. We both went to this lame summer school slash camp for bored kids back in 95. He was this shy Indian boy who liked cats and Mario and I was this shy Romanian Girl who was scared of feathers and mice (there were a lot of those over there), so we naturally clicked, as much as you can click when you're nine. We never kept in touch.
Who knew that 17 years later we'd meet again sitting opposite each other, late at night, at McDonalds? Story of a lifetime much? Maybe the world does go round.

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