Friday, August 17, 2012

Georgy Girl.

Who doesn't love a story about an underdog overcoming adversary? Actually, I'm not sure if not being able to get a date or get laid would be seen as adversary, but let's just go with it to make Georgy's story seem more thrilling. Not that it needs it, mind you. Hanging out with Georgy while drinking wine from a box, which actually tasted like a mixture of green tea and red beans, was actually more entertaining than previously expected. I know, it doesn't sound like it, but that first scene with the little girls dancing while Georgy was cheering, being all goofy and lovely about it got me hooked.
Long before Molly Ringwald's Sixteen Candles, John Hughes gave us Georgy: a funny girl who is unlucky in love. This, of course, is made more obvious by her glamorous and coquettish roommate Meredith, who has more parties and suitors than she can keep up with. Some girls have all the luck.
Anyway, one day, something changes. Not in Georgy, but in everyone else. Men that never noticed her before are now on their knees, crying for a bit of attention from her, which of course is overwhelming for the poor jolie fille. She gets not just one guy but two! Ok, the dudes aren't exactly Jean Paul Belmondo or Guillaume Canet but still, the girl gets her man.
Of course she also learns life lessons and grows up a little along the way too. Isn't this what always happens in these kind of movies? And isn't it great? Yes and yes.

Anyway, these overly dramatic comedies that are actually tragedies if you care to look closer, these movies where everyone seems to, like, speak in proverbs and do amazing (read quirky) dance routines that you shouldn't try at home, trust me, i speak from experience, really hit base sometimes. Amongst my attempts to not do the aww thing I hate so much sometimes, i understood something and it really stuck out. I think Georgy mentioned it at some point, in a really reflective, philosophical, deep, I have a beard and I'm a hundred and fifty years old way: there are two kinds of people in this world, people who create stories, and people who witness them. I keep thinking about it. That and the dream I had this morning. I was best buddies with wong kar wai, we were splitting rent and all and he was taking care of me and my random asian kid. at some point it turned into a nightmare because we were being evicted from our house and the only person that could save us was penelope cruz but she was at the gym and you needed a special ID to get in. I jumped the barrier on a staircase leading to the gym but got chased and they didn't believe me when I said I lost my ID card. I then decided to jump onto one of the letter O's in so I could swing over to the gym (through presumably a portal). Then I woke up.

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